Monday, January 1, 2007

Church camp (11-14th)

Ok, my earlier post I was working on got deleted!! So I'll try to type it out again.

Russ (my bro) and I got to church with our bags. Our whole cell is in different groups except Ray and I in Leonardo. Got to know Ray and Eunice a bit more, cos I never really talk to them. Kota's resort's a nice natural, well, resort right outside the rainforest.

In games it was really crazy cos we kept going back and forth between the first two stations. Schedules were kinda screwed cos of the rain, but everything turned out ok. Sermon was rather basic.

Next two days were kinda fun, with Jon Choy leading 5BX, a lotta worship, workshops, and games. Meanwhile, little random things happened, like Tessa kept attracting lizards, Hannah forged her reputation on her scream, special afternoon had the craziest auction, I was voted most gentlemanly boy (I didn't even do anything!) and um, Dwight found utter delight in following the bird's cry of "Wiaow wiaow!"

Yeah, there was one special afternoon where we isolated ourselves for a while to talk to God, and God told me to treat my bros with more love. Mmhmm so thats what I'm gonna do. Oh and the last sermon was really good, about BHS. Baptism with Holy Spirit. But I didnt get slain like Joycee and Amanda. So sad!

Ok, gtg do work, update you on more stuff soon yeah?

(Pls dunt mindd tha typpos.)

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