Saturday, May 12, 2007


Yeah! I got a new song for my blog!!! WOOHOO!
It's super soothing and nice. The Forrest Gump Theme.

Finally, one that works.
All the other ones were corrupted files or something.

And blogger itself is getting weird. Right now as I'm writing this post, the above box is screwed.

ahh well, exams are over. I screwed up about three or four papers.
- Language Arts
- Physical Science
- Life Science
- Math

yepp. church was kinda fun today.
managed to get there early.
tricia chee came. don't see her there often.

Pastor David's second last sermon.
ahh, sad.

Altar call and worship were real good. very nice indeed.

hmm, after church, got spammed with people.
well, not a lot, but two VERY TALKATIVE GIRLS can make up for a lot.
bought soya bean too. why? thirsty.

OM (I think calling it 'odyssey' is cooler) is gonna kick back into full gear now.
we had odyssey' today, we took a break yesterday.
and tmr? not sure. please no.

Cos it's MOTHER'S DAY!!!
Everybody be nice to your loving mothers who had to bear with all of us from young yeah!?

It's 12.40am.
reuben's on my right, asleep.
russell's on my left, asleep.
he left his computer on.


yepp, that's about all i guess? yeah. hmm. can't think of what else...OH YES.

HON! Nice anyhow go say I got angry when I never loh! Haiyah, this type of people ah, NO HOPE. NO HOPE AT ALL.

lol. relax ah. i not angry now ok? you don't go post in your blog that i pms you ah? don't ah? ok.

~Night all!

(or morning. whatever.)

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