Monday, June 20, 2011

too sweet, too sweet.

got to get out.
this generation
-painful, painful;

fury like a hornet's sting
quick to point; and fling
-impulsive adolescence
hides its face behind an orgy of
misplaced hormones
dance, dance
till the sweat of your pits
turns to drunk fits
and the nausea swirls up, up
from the deepness of your being
which you question
from the very

get out, get out.
wake up, wash up.
- begin again.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


it is time.
we have waited,
we have yearned;
purposeful freedom duly earned.
smiling we thought we had it all,
yet realise there's time to learn.
- everything has it's due turn.
the littlest task should never refute its call.

for all that
pistol of passion fires
in our unborn desires,
(they creep across the white,
in our cubby hole they hide);
we cannot lie-
or pretentiously deny-

the weight of each moment,
the essence of each laugh,
the pang of nostalgia
the languor of hysteria.

do not brush these aside,
everything has its due turn.

for as long as we create our pride;
you prepare-
purposeful freedom.