Thursday, May 2, 2013


I had just come back from germany.

After lunch, I was sitting at the dining table.

My sister kept her plate and went to play with the dogs in the dining room, cocoa and chips were jumping about her and onto the sofa and there was laughter and fun.

and the solitude of the moment just hit me. like just another one of the many moments of this crazy, crazy existence we live. the combined and collaborated space and dimension of all human existence collapsed together in my mind like one intensely colourful dustball, i could visualise it quite well.

and i was acutely aware of extreme sorrow and joy, of the transient nature of such experiences. and it was so sad and so beautiful at the same time, it was strange. the living room where my sister and the dogs were playing flicked like a motion picture to a frame in the future, where the sofas were being packed away in cling wrap and the walls were stained with wear and weather and strange men were in the house dismantling it, then back to the present with my sister and the dogs.

my sister was delightfully explaining to me some weird thing the dogs had done together but it had become translucent to me.

moments like this make me wonder if sometimes i could be slightly insane.