Monday, October 13, 2008


do i adapt too much?

i tend to adapt to different people, mostly in the ways of speech.
like i will have different tones of voice, or different ways of speaking. different choices of words.

there's still a general code to how i speak, like without vulgarities, and no like heavy cheem or weird sincere "i lurbhhsxzxz euuzzx worhkszx" kinda language.
(haha, well sometimes i do use the latter for fun)

but do i adapt too much?

until people get different impressions of me, and i create false images of myself that i do not want to create?

what if YOU reading this right now, think i'm something which i'm not.

haha, maybe i'm thinking too much.
this evening i've been hearing/saying (in virtual terms) a lot.

i think i even adapt to my blog.
i might not seem the same in reality.

isn't it intriguing.

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