Sunday, May 8, 2011


art is not paint on a canvas,
smudge on an apron,
it's not detachment where we retreat to our little cave
and indulge away with our little brushes, colours, palettes.

we don't condemn the mathematician for formulating,
neither do we judge the scientist for experimenting,
in the end no one can say that these things aren't art either.
art is when you confess that you're daring to challenge-
that you're willing to not just follow but explore for yourself.

if the mathematician destructs the 1+1,
or the scientist offers the radical hypothesis;
likewise on the other hand if the painter paints the perfect mona lisa-
who's the artist?

art is a jungle exploration with scimitars, not a guided hike with insect repellent.
it is a passionate confession, recognition, that you're an individual.
just you, not this whole "collective entity which gives you your identity" schmitz.

everyone should be living art in whatever they do.