Friday, July 29, 2011


if we should seclude ourselves,
build our walls,
sensationalise our hermit ways-
what is this all then?


i consciously claim that it is mere difference that separates us.
perceived difference leads to elitism only when it causes elevation.
but perhaps elevation has resulted from our constant tendency of over-sensationalisation.

is it then not just child's play?
or does it reach into far more malicious, self-conceited depths?

then the question lies if we are too obsessed with the all too common tumblr-driven hormone,
or if it is a genuine need/issue that one cannot deny.
i would argue the latter, but i cannot deny the effects of the former.

hah but eitherways we're enjoying it aren't we.


nat said...

the culture we subscribe to classifies us. the media favours the hipster aesthetic too but self consciously satirizes it as well. like you said, we are enjoying it; having gorgeous tumblrs and ipods full of indie music. we enjoy being introspective and artsy even though hipster culture is more of an ubiquitous global phenom than anything else.

ryan. said...

hey nat hahaha yeah not sure if i can call myself one for the hipster aesthetic, i can't be bothered about tumblrs and what kind of music i have on my ipod but i was more of wondering whether this general want to "feel special" or "be different" is self-induced or really a necessity due to irreconcilable differences.

nat said...

"i was more of wondering whether this general want to "feel special" or "be different" is self-induced or really a necessity due to irreconcilable differences."

pretty deep stuff lol. but i've been thinking that too actually.

ryan. said...

haha well, i think it's kinda both lah. when you get bored of trying to reconcile differences (which i think i tried to do a lot in my secondary school days), i realised it's a lot easier sometimes to just seclude myself and not appease everyone. :P so in the end i guess the differences contributed to the general want, but ultimately it's still self-induced.