Friday, April 27, 2007


5.52pm. Friday. 27/4. Year 2007.

Just about 11 more days till' mid-years.

well, things have settled down now. i still remember the 10 lines of 'screwed' i typed in as a prediction for our Chamber Orchestra's SYF.

and we got Gold with Honours!

haha, sighh...

everytime in school, got motivation to study.
come back from school, get tempted to play.

my life's a mess.
you've got the S on one side.
and the TC on the other.

real awkward.

some philosophy!

Does God give us, humans, a choice in what we do?
God is omnipotent. He's the past, present, future. He can do anything. He is the almighty one.

He knows everything.
and then you come to a standstill.

wait a second, does that mean God controls our choices?
He knows the past, present and future.
If he knows our future, then would we be able to say we can choose our actions, or anything at all?

"He knows our future, but we still make the choices!"

ahh. right. but that means we didn't have the freedom to make our choices. There can only be one future, and that future is made up by every single touch of effect right now.
if the future is known, our choices are inevitable. God can't be wrong.

Looking at the bible, just think about it.
Many things about Jesus were foretold in the old testament.

Obviously, the future was known then.

But what about Judas...
- Betrayer of Christ

But if he didn't betray Christ, Christ wouldn't have died on the cross for our sins.
And it was foretold, that Judas would betray Jesus! was inevitable that Judas did that horrible crime. Did Judas go to hell for causing the cruxifixion of Christ Our Lord? Wasn't it his duty to do so? Wasn't it all planned?

that everything we do, is already inevitable.

Look at me writing this blog. I can choose not to post it. Thus, in the future, it will never be seen by more than 2 pairs of eyes. God's and mine. Yet, can I choose?
If God knows my every action, that means I'm bound to only one move.
I can't choose, cos my future is already sealed with his knowledge.

Is that what it's like for us? God controls our every move, and to think about it, in the end, we go to hell or heaven based on fate?

Which means...God must already know where we're going when we die. And God can't be wrong. So does that mean whenever someone does something, it's not his fault, cos God knew it was going to happen?

We can't control anything...
everything's already pre-planned for us...

i need answers. help.

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